Update 9th May 2022 . . .
Lots has been happening over the first 4 months of this year. A few new models have been quietly progressing and hear are some pictures of them.
First up is our new custom build I have been doing for the past 7 months, A full design, lasercut, and extensive build job of the Bristol Beaufighter for a lucky client. More picture will be released on the build when completed and flight tested and tester pictures will be added when the time is right.
Next up is Matt Hoylands Akuma F3A model we painted for him. A video on the full paint is on Youtube at https://youtu.be/SKGdPJJvjzs if you want to take a look.
This is something special that I have been wanting for years and years, yes I now have one in the house......
A 1/3rd scale P-51D Mustang from the moulds of the movie aircraft from the 1987 Steven Spielberg film, "Empire of the Sun"
This one is one of my bucket list models and will be building this for myself and not for a client this time around, however what I have planned for it, may be of interest for some of you later on, so stay tuned for more on that as it happens.
And lastly, some may have seen my post last week on Facebook about quotations/estimations and the issues we have been having with tyre kickers and the problems we face with them just messing us about as a full time business.
Well to not dwell on that anymore than need be, so from today if anyone would like a quotation to any model, you can now write to us at the address below, with your full requirements of what you would like in your quotation to start the ball rolling. We have had to go the postal route as lately we have had too many people just firing off a quick email to get a quotation that takes us a lot of time to do it correctly, where it has become obvious those individuals were never going to hire our services in the first place.
So we had two choices, either charge for quotations, which we don't think is a wise move at this moment in time but might be option 2, or just get people to invest a bit of their time and effort in asking for a quotations/estimation request by post. We will of course review this in time, but for now, we hope it lessens the need to deal with people with nothing better to do than waste our time in us preparing detailed and extensive quotes for a few laughs. If anyone out there is upset by this, then I am sorry, but isn't that the issue in the first place?
Now if you are a legitimate business requiring our services you can still directly email us for a quotation by all means via your company email. If you are a past customer we will gladly accept your email too or if you are an actual friend I/we have met before we also will accept your email. However, from today, until we have an indication to you actually wanting an actual quotations/estimation and taking the time to respond to that quotations/estimation by returning an answer, albeit good or bad, then from now on you will have to use the postal address below. and remember, if you are serious in the first place of getting us to do work for you as paid professionals, then this will not be an issue.....will it?
So you can write to: D. Matthews, c/o Custom Bespoke Design and Production, Derrymore Cross, O'Callaghans Mills, Co. Clare, Ireland.
Remember to give all your details. Full details of exactly what you are looking for. The more detail the better the more accurate the quotation can be made. The ideal time frame you are after. And any other information you think we will need to tailor your quotations/estimation to. Remember that this is a business and we charge accordingly for our work, be that an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly rate for any work done and we don't do this type of work for beermoney. That is an inside joke there, those in the know will know.
Anyway, that is the update for today. Click back here for more updates as time goes on and more work is carried out here in the workshop.
All the very best to you all.
Update 7th Jan 2022 . . .
Updated a few more of the sidebar page links and revamped a few of the content pictures too in those links.
Update 6th Jan 2022 . . .
Check out the side bar on a new 2022 service I am offering to the client who wants to up their game on true scale models. Yes, from next month, you can contract me to make those legs, wheels and tyres look beyond what has been done before.
All the very best to you all.
Update 4th Jan 2022 . . .
I would like to wish you an exceptional 2022 and hope that some of the many services I offer, with be somewhat needed in your line of business in the future. If that is that case, then please feel free to contact me via my email address on the above banner, to discuss your project idea or what service you would like me to discuss with you.
All future posting, videos and information on my current and new work will post posted here on this website in order to share to a more focused audience. My other social media pages will stay open as so to be readable/on-line in order to direct those interested clients to this, my paid website. Then reasons for making this move are many, but as I wish to continue to promote my business in a positive and professional light that was getting lost on other pages.
When you consider hiring my trade, services, skills, you are hiring me to, in most cases, to make a one-off product. Be it a 3D Cad design or a widjet or a thinghy-ma-bob. It takes time, knowledge and the experienced use of that equipment to produce what it is that you are seeking. Remember, this is a business. I don’t mind if anyone chooses to hire me or not, but if you are, be aware of how much time and effort I put into my work on a day to day level, then you will understand why I am having to change things for the better and develop proper business partnerships with clients who are after the best work I can off them at a realistic and real-world prices of where I am.
The level work I do, be it in design, composites, prototyping, painting or full builds, filmwork projects or many or the other areas I have on offer and will be expanding on this year are bespoke one off jobs in most cases and should be regarded as so.
Some of the work I do will not be posted on these pages due to clients request or due to testing or NDA's, but rest assured, the future is going to be exciting and 2022 will be filled with a lot of new and exciting projects as were years past.
This page is going through some edits and changes as a result of no longer being on the pages I mentioned, so please click back here often to see updates as they happen.
All the very best to you all.